Webelos & Arrow of Light Weekend 2023

Webelos & Arrow of Light Weekend 2023
Information for PACKS
• Webelos & Arrow of Light Weekend will be held in the Grove at Camp Conestoga Sept. 16th to 17th.
• All registered Webelos and Arrow of Light (AOL) Scouts are welcome!
• The fee for Webelos and AOL Scouts is $20; leaders and parents pay $15
• Participants must register and pay by Sept 5th; there is no late registration period
o Register online at https://forms.gle/CeUcajPq5kSMeZr36
• All meals will be provided by your host troop(s) – lunch and dinner on Saturday,
breakfast on Sunday
• PACKS should plan to arrive on the morning of Saturday, Sept. 16th
o Registration is at 8:00 AM in the Nature Pavilion in the Grove
o Drop your gear at your campsite, then move your vehicle to the main parking lot
near Rohrbacher
o BSA Standard Medical Form Part A/B is required at registration
• You will be assigned a campsite at Registration
o You will be sharing your campsite with one or more troops, and possibly another
o We will make our best effort to match Packs with Troops, but some areas have
greater population density than others and mismatches will undoubtedly occur;
the Packs will rotate through sessions, so you will get the opportunity to interact
with all of the participating troops
o There will be an opportunity for each troop to present its “story” to all of the
campers, so come prepared with questions!
• There will be no electricity in camp, therefore no hot water, and no light in the bath
o Cold water will be available
o A lantern is recommended for nighttime visits
• You will be setting up your own tent
o Consider this the first “session” of camp; plan to pitch your tent even if you can’t
stay the night
o Your host troop(s) will have a designated area for Webelos/AOLs’, leaders’, and
parents’ tents
o Be sure to follow all BSA requirements for leadership assignments, tent
assignments, etc.; Note that Troop members may not share a tent with a
Webelos/AOL due to age gap concerns
• A session schedule will be available at Registration
• Plan to depart Camp Conestoga before 11 AM on Sunday
• More information is available in the Camp Guide


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Sign up Night

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Lets Camp

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Memorial Day Parade

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