Cub Scout Summer Camp

Cub Scout Summer Camp at Camp Buck Run in Somerset, PA

We will be attending Week 3 of Summer Camp (July 14th to 19th)

You would have signed up for either the weekend option or for 5 nights

The weekend option (Friday night -Sunday night)

Scouts: $150 

Adults: $75

5 nights (Friday night – Wednesday night)

Scouts: $265

Adults: $170

If you paid the $50.00 deposit subtract it from the prices above. 

If you would like to use funds you earned through fundraising please contact us through the Remind App for your balance.

Balance for Camp is due to council by May 12th If you need to pay by cash or check please get the money to Jennifer by the 10th so she can turn it into council.  

MAKE CHECKS OUT TO BSA. (not to our pack).

If you want to pay by card please CAREFULLY choose the correct link to the square account. There are payment options for both scouts and adults as well as for weekend and 5 night camping.  Square fees are added into the final amount.


cub scout weekend option  

Adult weekend option


cub scout 5 nights 

Adult 5 nights 

(anyone who did not previously pay a deposit please pay in addition to the above fees by clicking the link below)

Deposit add on

Any Square payments must also be paid by the 10th so we can include it in the check for council.

Late payments for camp are subject to a $15.00 fee from council.

If you are interested here is a link to the Leaders Guide to Camp Buck Run.

Camp Buck Run

It has everything in it from what to bring to a sample schedule of what to expect while at camp.




You can also visit the Council website for more Camp Information:


More to explorer

Sign up Night

Wednesday, September 18th is our Sign Up Night.  We will have the lego derby track set up, the inflatable BB range and

Lets Camp

The Pack has the chance to camp and it is going to be a beautiful day for it. Join us at cedar

Memorial Day Parade

Pack 258 will be walking in the Memorial day parade on Monday May 27th.   Line up for the parade begins at 8:30am