Cedar Creek Park Hike 10/22/23

On Sunday Oct. 22nd at 2pm at Cedar Creek Park, Pack 258 is going on a hike. We are meeting at the parking lot by the Boat Access and hiking on the Cedar Creek Gorge.

The hike will likely last an hour. Please eat lunch prior to the hike.

Some things to know.

PLEASE wear shoes suitable for hiking. 

Waterproof shoes would be a good idea.

Shoes  must be close toed.  No clogs, sandals or slip on types of shoes.

Wear socks and check your laces are tied snugly. Wearing shoes that wiggle around on your feet will lead to turned ankles and blisters.

Dress in layers. (Depending on weather forecast)

You do not want to sweat when it is cold. Make sure you are not overdressed and have layers that can be easily removed as your body warms up from exertion.

Scouts are to carry their gear.

Scouts should have some type of pack they can carry their lunch and scouting essentials in.

I do not recommend the drawstring backpacks. They might be lightweight but the strings dig into the scout’s shoulders once some weight (like a water bottle) is added. DO NOT OVERPACK.

Scout 6 essentials

  • Water – your choice of water bottle or canteen filled 
  • Whistle– a scout should always have a whistle to signal for help if they get lost.
  • Flashlight– I know we are hiking during the day but a scout is always prepared.
  • First aid kit– We will have a big first aid kit for the pack but I encourage the scouts to make some type of simple first aid kit to get into the habit of being self sufficient.  It can be as simple as some bandaid and a way to clean the wound.
  • Sun protection–  sunglasses or a hat to protect your eyes
  • Trail mix–  in this case this would be your lunch.

We will discuss before we leave what to do if someone gets lost.

(S.A.W.  Stay put,  Answer when called, use your Whistle)

We are also going to use the buddy system. Scouts should have a buddy they stay with throughout the hike.

There are public bathrooms at the park, but there are no bathrooms on the hiking trail. Recommend using the bathroom before the hike.

Families are welcome to all come along.

If you cannot make it, there will be other opportunities to go hiking with the Pack. All the dens have hiking requirements for their rank, which they can complete on a hike with the Pack or a family hike.


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