Summer Camp 2024

Summer Camp, also referred to as Resident Camp, is one of the highlights of the scouting program.  They are memories you will make with your scout that they will remember long into their own adulthood.

You, as parents have 18 short years with your kids.  

As cub scouts you only have 6 summers to make memories at camp. 

6 chances to leave the world behind and watch them grow and learn and play.

6 chances to be silly with them at the mess hall singing songs or “throwing flies”.

6 chances to watch the pride on their face as they make marksman or hit a bulls eye.

6 chances to sit on the bank of the lake with nothing else to do but catch a fish.

6 chances to be amazed at how much they can grow in one short week.

6  That’s it,  and those of you with scouts older than a Lion it is even less.   

I encourage everyone to go to camp, even if it is only for the weekend.  If anyone has questions or concerns feel free to reach out.

Some Basic Things to Know : 

(more details will be passed out to families once they register for camp)
  • Camp is located in Somerset county near Hidden Valley Resort.
  • The youth sleep in cabins on bunks. 5 to a bunk. Mattresses are provided.
  • Adults sleep in tents scattered around the cabins on cots. The tents, cots and mattresses are provided. There is very limited space for personal tents unless they are small enough to fit inside a camp tent.
  • See the videos below of the cabins, tents and campsite.
  • We share the campsite with other packs.
  • We eat in a dinning hall. 
  • There are shower houses and bathrooms at camp.
  •  We walk A LOT. 
  •  There are places for adults to charge phones. 
  • The days are jam packed with activities.

Follow this link to the Westmoreland Fayette Council website’s page about Camp Buck Run for an overview about camp.

This link takes you directly to the Leader’s guide which explains in detail what you will experience at camp.

If you still have questions or just want to talk in person about camp please reach out. 


 Our pack is attending Summer camp during session 3 this year. Those dates are July 19th – 24th.
There are 3 options for Campers to stay.
All Campers will arrive on Friday between 2:30 and 5:15 to check in ( we will be given a specific time closer to our camp week)
-Those choosing the Cub Weekend Camp will be leaving Sunday evening after dinner and the closing campfire. 
-Those Choosing the 4 Day camp will be leaving Tuesday night after dinner and the closing campfire.
-Those choosing the 5 Day camp will be leaving after dinner and the closing ceremony which will be the Tap Out ceremony for Order of the Arrow ( more info about that to follow).

Prices for each camp session are as follows

Weekend cub camp:     Scout- $155.00    Adult- $80.00

4 Day camp:                    Scout-$225.00     Adult-$175.00

5 Day camp:                      Scout-$270.00    Adult-$175.00

ALL CAMPERS MUST PAY A $50.00 DEPOSIT BY MARCH 13TH TO GUARANTEE YOUR SPOT AT CAMP. This $50.00 counts towards your total price for camp.  ( We do not have a meeting the week of March 13th. The last meeting we have before the due date is March 6th so if you need to turn in your deposit after the 6th please make prior arrangements)

Any campers that have special dietary needs and need to bring all their own food to camp qualify for a discounted rate.

Any siblings attending camp qualifying for a discount as well.

Final payments are due May 1st.

Any of our current Lion Scouts Must have an adult stay with them at camp. All other ranks may camp with their dens but I highly encourage parents to attend at least part of the week with their scout at camp.

Adult weeks can be split between 2 (or more) adults. 

All adults attending MUST have clearances and take the BSA child protection course.

If the Adult staying is not a parent or legal guardian they must also register with the BSA.

There are camperships available to help with the cost of camp.   These forms must be turned in by April 3rd to be considered.  Campership forms and instructions will be available when you place your deposit. 


More to explorer

Sign up Night

Wednesday, September 18th is our Sign Up Night.  We will have the lego derby track set up, the inflatable BB range and

Lets Camp

The Pack has the chance to camp and it is going to be a beautiful day for it. Join us at cedar

Memorial Day Parade

Pack 258 will be walking in the Memorial day parade on Monday May 27th.   Line up for the parade begins at 8:30am